messages are moderated

Welcome to our bulletin board. If you have a question, announcement, Capital Punishment tip or something else you would like to share with other visitors to the clickBOOM site, SPEAK UP!
Anybody passing by will be able to read and reply to your message.

If you are first time here, you might need brief instructions, or full FAQ

To post a message with new subject, use the form at the bottom of this page, or click here.

Current messages (sorted by date)

Brief instructions:
  • List above represents subjects of messages currently available on clickBOOM bulletin board.
  • Next to a message is the name of a person who posted it, as well as time and date of his post.
  • The number in brackets on the right is the number of replies to that post.
  • Replies themselves (if there are any) are indented and located below the original post.

  • If you want to read or reply to a message, click on its subject.
  • If you want to post a message with new subject, use the form below.

If you would like more detailed instructions, please read
FAQ (links to it are also available on every bulletin page).

New message form

Your name: required
E-mail:    required

Subject:   required


To add a link to any www page from your message, type its URL above (optional)

If you are adding URL link, type its descriptive name (optional)

To spice up a message, add a picture by providing its URL (optional)

To post your message above